开设一个 Aspire 账户,赢取价值超过 5 万美元的福利
Frequently asked questions about Aspire Rewards & Offers
How do the rewards work?
Aspire is not a bank, but a Payment Services Institution headquartered in Singapore. As a Payment Services Institution, Aspire is able to provide an all-in-one finance operating system for businesses. Aspire cannot utilise customer deposits for any lending or investment purposes.

What are Aspire rewards?
Opening an account with Aspire gives you access to over S$50,000 worth exclusive perks from our platform partners such as Google, AWS, Xero and many more. These exclusive perks are called Aspire Perks.

How much are Aspire points worth?
Aspire does not give out points, but instead offers straight 1% uncapped cashback on your digital marketing and SaaS spends.

Do Aspire points expire?
Aspire does not give out points, but instead offers straight 1% uncapped cashback on your digital marketing and SaaS spends.