All-in-1 multi-currency account
Real-time visibility & control
Virtual and Physical cards
Fast, easy international payments
Explore our AI features
Close your books faster
Automate your payables process
Automate your processes and tech stack with our APIs
Earn 0.3% unlimited cashback on qualified merchants
Over $50K worth of benefits from partners
Get 50% off on your subscription for first 6 months and 20% off thereafter
Streamline your startup finances with an all-in-one multi-currency business account.
Issue unlimited cards to your team. Automate expense management and expense control policies.
Simplify complex budgeting procedures. Get access to our APIs for custom integration processes
Guides and articles on business topics
Industry insights and reports
Answers to your essential questions
Our journey to being an all-in-one platform
Here’s why we’re trusted by over 50,000 businesses
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