8 Banks that Provide Corporate Cards for Employees and Their Limits

Written by
Ekky Pramana
Last Modified on
March 7, 2024

Do you know that nowadays credit cards are not offered only for individual customers, but also for companies? In terms of features, this card actually has pretty much the same features as consumer credit cards in general. However, a corporate card is intended specifically for corporate expenditures and assigned to its employees, which makes it known as a corporate credit card. 

If you are a business owner or manage a company’s operational expenses, a corporate card can be a smart choice since this product can give many benefits for your company. By using a corporate card, employees can make corporate purchases directly and independently. Records of the company's financial expenditures will also be recorded clearly.

What is a Corporate Card?

A corporate card is a credit card given to employees holding certain positions or authorized employees in a company. This card can be used as a means of payment for transactions that are directly related to company expenditures. That’s why many companies currently look for corporate cards to support their current operational needs.

Why use a Corporate Card?

The advantages of having corporate cards include: 

  • Easier expenses monitoring for business owners.
  • Helps provide better cash flow management.
  • Gives employees autonomy to complete corporate purchases faster.
  • The limit for the company accounts can be adjusted according to each employee’s current needs.

Nowadays, there are many banks that issue corporate cards for employees so companies can also choose which bank to provide their corporate card from according to their needs. Below are 8 fintechs and banks that provide corporate cards for employees in Indonesia.

1. Aspire Corporate Card

Aspire's corporate card is the most rewarding card in Indonesia for businesses of all sizes. Aspire corporate cards are accepted by international merchants for SaaS, business, travel spends and more. Apply online and get access to Aspire corporate cards in minutes.  No monthly card fees required. What's more, earn 1% unlimited cashback on your online marketing, SaaS and travel spends with one of the most rewarding corporate cards in the market. Enjoy cash back on some of the most popular merchants across Indonesia and the world. You also get realtime visibility on all your spends.

2. Mandiri Corporate Card

Mandiri corporate card is a credit card issued to meet all the needs of the company's transactions and business trips by enabling companies to control every transaction made by their employees. There are two types of Mandiri corporate cards, namely Mandiri Corporate Card Gold with a limit of IDR 10 – IDR 40 million and Mandiri Corporate Card Platinum with a limit of IDR 40 million – IDR 1 billion.

3. BNI Corporate Card

BNI Corporate Card is a BNI corporate credit card that can be used by employees with certain positions or authority in a company. This card can be used as a medium of payment for transactions related to various activities of the company. There are two types of BNI Corporate Cards, namely BNI Corporate Card Gold and BNI Corporate Card Platinum.

4. Bank Mega Corporate Card

Bank Mega Corporate Card is a credit card made for every employee selected by a company. The card can help the company in managing operational costs, such as entertainment, meals, and business trips. Some of the benefits provided by this card include:

  • The limit can be adjusted according to the needs of each company.
  • The number of cards and the limit of each card can be based on the company's policy.
  • Account Management feature which serves various requests and needs of each company.
  • Bills are Dual Control as a means of supervision and control for the company.

5. Maybank Corporate Card

Maybank Corporate Credit Card is one of the payment solutions for your company's business. The advantages of using this credit card include:

  • Competitive Exchange Rate: business trips abroad are made more enjoyable with competitive exchange rates.
  • Airport Service Privilege: get privileged access to airport lounges in the country for the convenience of its users.
  • Operational Vehicle Solution: optimizing online transportation apps for the efficiency of the company's operational vehicles.
  • Corporate Brand Identity: personalize the card by placing the company logo on the body of the credit card.
  • Flexible Limit Assignment: travel insurance coverage of up to IDR 1 billion on overseas flights.
  • Facility & Services: Maybank corporate credit card facilities and services.

6. BRI Corporate Card

The BRI Corporate Card credit card is a BRI MasterCard credit card issued by the bank that can be used by employees who have been appointed by the company and meet all requirements in accordance with applicable bank regulations. This card can be used to finance expenses incurred when an employee is carrying out tasks or activities assigned by the company.

7. BCA Visa Corporate

The BCA Visa Corporate credit card is a solution for an active and dynamic medium-sized entrepreneur credit card in the form of a corporate credit card to provide convenience and flexibility in business transactions. Therefore, the company's transactions can be carried out in a more flexible way.

8. Sinarmas Corporate Card

Sinarmas Corporate Visa Platinum is a card that provides free annual fees for its users. By using this card, employees can freely use the card to finance expenses according to the company's needs. Meanwhile, companies will have bailout funds to be able to finance the needs of employees on business travel so they are mutually beneficial.


Corporate cards is one of the technologies that is used to facilitate company purchases and expenses reporting. As a company grows, its expenses also become more diverse and reporting is becoming more complex. Oftentimes, companies will have multiple accounts in different banks and institutions to profit promotion and benefits offered by these different institutions. 

To connect them all, a financial technology company, Aspire is creating a finance solution to manage multiple different accounts in one platform. Aspire itself is an all-in-one finance platform that facilitates companies in handling their business operations. All of the company’s multiple bank accounts can be managed altogether in one Aspire account and are connected directly to the company’s budget in real time. Some of the Aspire corporate card features are :

  • Claim approval flow and real time purchase reporting that is connected to Aspire Expense Management feature.
  • Employees can upload purchase receipts directly on Aspire apps platform in real time for transparent and actual reporting.
  • Budget allocation for each employee or division that can be adjusted anytime.
  • Cashback on purchases from Aspire partners.
  • Send and Receive money through various virtual accounts
  • Economize on exchange rate for purchases in foreign currency with Aspire multi-currency account.

Those are some of the banks that offer corporate cards for employees. As a company grows, company expenses and purchasing also grow. But you can facilitate these purchasing processes by delegating corporate cards for authorized employees. That’s why you can choose a corporate card provider that offers features that best suit your company needs. 

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About the author
Ekky Pramana
is a seasoned writer specialising in business finance and management. With a writing history at Tech in Asia, Teknoverso, and various other publishers, he leverages his market expertise to empower and educate first-time founders in managing their businesses better.
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