Differences in Interest Rates and Fees for BCA Business Accounts and Personal Accounts

Written by
Ekky Pramana
Last Modified on
March 7, 2024

Bank Central Asia or more commonly known as BCA, is one of the largest banks in Indonesia, serving more than 31 million customers and processing around 62 million transactions daily from its published data. The bank, which was founded in 1955, has total assets of more than 1200 trillion, with a net profit of 18 trillion in the 2021 financial statements.

BCA has succeeded in achieving its vision to become the preferred bank of the population who play an active role in the Indonesian economy, this is proven by BCA by occupying the third position of the Largest Bank in Indonesia based on asset size as seen from the latest financial statements of the national banking sector for 2021.

Therefore, BCA has become the most sought after bank, preferred by consumers to meet the needs of banking services for personal, non-profit and corporate customers. Here below we provide an overview of some of its services, namely personal accounts and BCA business accounts.

BCA Personal Account

BCA provides various product salternative for personal savings or personal accounts in the form of individual savings, individual loans, wealth management, electronic money, credit cards and BCA rewards. Individual savings are divided into several essential personal account savings options, including:

  • Tahapan;
  • Tahapan Xpresi;
  • Tahapan Gold;
  • Tahapan Berjangka;
  • Simpanan Pelajar;
  • Tapres;
  • Tabunganku;
  • Laku;
  • BCA Dollar;
  • Deposito Berjangka BCA; dan
  • e-Deposito.

For each account opening at Bank BCA, consumers are required to provide the required documents and meet some conditions. Namely to have an identity card in accordance with the applicable legal provisions such as KTP for Indonesian citizens or KITAS for foreign nationals, as well as a tax identification number (NPWP/TIN). Customers will also be asked to complete an employment certificate for those with employee status as well as a certificate from the RT/RW (neighborhood/ward) stating the job and income amount of the prospective consumer.

Personal account registration is done by visiting the nearest BCA branch office directly or online through the official BCA website by filling out the BCA webform, or by downloading the BCA mobile banking application on your smartphone. Furthermore, you will get a BCA card and passbook as a means to perform banking transactions.

BCA Personal Interest Rate

The interest rates offered by BCA for individual/personal saving account or current accounts will differs according to account amounts, and adjusted to the type of currency and accounts chosen by customers in their savings, including the following:

  • Tahapan : 0,00% - 0,05%
  • Tahapan Xpresi : 0,00% - 0,05%
  • Tahapan Gold : 0,00% - 0,05%
  • Tahapan Berjangka : 1,00% - 1,70%
  • Simpanan Pelajar : -
  • Tapres : 0,00% - 0,20%
  • Tabunganku : 0,00% - 0,20%
  • Laku : - 
  • BCA Dollar : 0,00% - 0,10%
  • Deposito Berjangka BCA : 1.90%
  • e-Deposito : 1.90%

BCA Personal Account Opening Fee

Meanwhile, the fee of opening each BCA personal account product also varies. This fee is charged outside of the minimum initial balance placement. The administrative fees to open a personal account at BCA are as follows:

  • Tahapan : Rp10.000 – Rp20.000
  • Tahapan Xpresi : Rp25.000
  • Tahapan Gold : Rp10.000 – Rp20.000
  • Tahapan Berjangka : Free of charge
  • Simpanan Pelajar : mulai dari Rp5.000
  • Tapres : Rp15.000 – Rp20.000
  • Tabunganku : Free of charge
  • Laku : Free of charge
  • BCA Dollar : Free of charge
  • Deposito Berjangka BCA : Free of charge
  • e-Deposito : Free of charge

BCA Business Account

Aside from individual saving and current accounts, BCA also provides other products to better suit the needs of company and corporate entities. Business account in BCA are further divided into variants for different types of business entities (PT, CV, UD or PMA), as well as individual business categories. These products includes : BCA Dollars; Time deposit; Current Account; and Tahapan Gold.

The requirements to open this business account include completing the following documents:

  • Identity card of the founder and person in charge of the company (KTP for Indonesian citizens and KITAS for foreigners);
  • Tax Identification Number (NPWP) of the founder and person in charge of the company;
  • Deed of Incorporation;
  • SK Kemenkumham company;
  • Company Tax Identification Number (NPWP) ;
  • Company domicile permit;
  • NIB; and
  • Business License from OSS.

If your business is only comprised of an individual, the requirements needed are:

  • Identity card of the founder and person in charge of the company (KTP for Indonesian citizens and KITAS for foreigners);
  • Tax Identification Number (NPWP) of the founder and person in charge of the company;
  • individual NIB;
  • Business domicile permit; and
  • Individual Business License from OSS.

The BCA business account holder is required to submit these documents to the BCA bank, as well as one or more specimens (examples) of the Account Holder's signature, or one or more signature specimens of the authorized person representing the Account Holder who will conduct transactions in the name of the business account.

Business account holders are also required to notify BCA bank in writing regarding data or changes to account holder data, including personal information in the form of name, address, telephone number, and identity cards such as KTP or KITAS and NPWP (TIN).

Furthermore, the customer will receive a monthly statement regarding the current account, where the current account in the name of the account holder issued based on BCA's books is valid as valid evidence regarding the mutation, time, and amount of money contained in the business account.

BCA Business Interest Rate

Not much different from personal accounts, the interest rate applicable to business accounts is adjusted to the type of account and currency chosen by the customer in his business account, as well as the total amount in the account. 

  • BCA Dollar : 0.00% - 0.10%
  • Time Deposit : 1.90%
  • Current Account :-
  • Tahapan Gold : 0.00% - 0.05%

BCA Business Account Opening Fee

As mentioned above, This fee is different from the monthly administration fee or the initial deposit made to open the account. The costs to open a BCA business account are as follow:

  • BCA Dollar : Free of charge
  • Time Deposit : Free of charge
  • Current Account : Free of charge
  • Tahapan Gold: Free of charge

In addition to the two aforementioned products, BCA also focuses on vehicle financing, Islamic banking (syariah), mutual funds, general and life insurance, digital banking, remittances, and venture capitals. This is in line with BCA's mission of fulfilling the various banking needs of customers and providing suitable financial services to achieve optimal customer satisfaction.

BCA is one of the most popular banks in Indonesia to open corporate accounts. However, the majority of people in Indonesia have more than 1 bank account, even more in the case of companies. This could be due to the different attractive interest rates and schemes provided or the promotional programs offered by different banks, or even to fulfill certain needs of business partners or networks at different banks. 

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About the author
Ekky Pramana
is a seasoned writer specialising in business finance and management. With a writing history at Tech in Asia, Teknoverso, and various other publishers, he leverages his market expertise to empower and educate first-time founders in managing their businesses better.
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