What Is QRIS and How To Create One for Your Business

Written by
Ekky Pramana
Last Modified on
May 29, 2024

As technology continues to transform the business landscape, it often introduces innovations that facilitate interactions between customers and you as a business owner. One of the recent breakthroughs that have taken the business world by storm is QRIS or Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard. QRIS is not just a regular QR code; it can also create a digital payment system - which is why it is gaining attention in Indonesia. In this article, you will get a comprehensive explanation aimed at detailing the QRIS concept and providing practical guidance on how to create QRIS and register QRIS that can enhance the competitiveness of your business.

QRIS, short for Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard, is a part of the ever-expanding digital payment technology. As a national standard, QRIS provides convenience in conducting payment transactions through QR codes. The uniqueness of QRIS lies not only in its ease of use but also in its integration with various digital payment methods such as e-wallets and banking applications. Thus, QRIS becomes not only a payment tool but also an efficient integrated solution for business owners.

With the ongoing development of technology and the increasing dominance of digital payment trends, QRIS has become an inevitable solution for business players. The advantages of QRIS in terms of practicality, security, and efficiency make it a highly relevant choice in enhancing customer transaction experiences and optimizing business operations. QRIS can also be categorized as an inclusive payment method since it can be used by users who do not have a bank account and only have payment applications. Especially for people living outside major cities, QRIS can help your business reach a broader market. By understanding the concept and how to create QRIS, as well as how to make QRIS for businesses, you can keep up with technological developments and remain competitive in providing the best services for customers.

The process of creating QRIS for your business is not complicated. To create a QRIS for your business, the initial step is to register with a QRIS provider recognized by Bank Indonesia. Afterward, you will receive a QR code that can be displayed at your business location or used in promotional materials. QRIS not only facilitates customers in making transactions but also provides business owners with access to track and manage transactions effectively. If you are still confused about the best way to create QRIS, you can learn more about how to create and register QRIS in this article!

What is QRIS? 

Before learning in detail how to create and register QRIS, you should first understand more about what QRIS is. QRIS, short for Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard, is an innovation in the digital payment system that is making waves in Indonesia. A QR code is a square pattern of black and white that stores information and QRIS is specifically created to facilitate electronic payment transactions. With QRIS, customers can easily make payments by scanning the QR code at the business location or on the purchased product. In addition to ease of use, QRIS is also known for its integration with various types of digital payment services, providing high flexibility to meet your customers' needs.

The history of QRIS began in 2017 when Bank Indonesia initiated this national standard to enhance efficiency and interoperability in the electronic payment system in the country. With the development of technology and the strengthening trend of digital payments, QRIS has become a strategic step to unify various existing electronic payment platforms. Standardizing QRIS allows the use of the same QR code across various payment applications, whether from banks or e-wallet providers, creating a more integrated ecosystem accessible to various segments of society anytime and anywhere.

The COVID-19 pandemic that happened in the year 2020, was also one of the main factors that further popularized the use of QRIS in Indonesia. Alongside physical distancing policies and concerns about virus transmission, people tended to shift towards non-cash payment methods, including the use of QRIS. Restaurants, shops, and other services in Indonesia increasingly encouraged customers to use digital payments with QRIS to reduce the risk of physical contact. By using QRIS, all you need to do is take out your smartphone and then scan the QR code displayed by the merchant or store. This way, you don't need to use cash or debit cards that can potentially spread bacteria and viruses to others. Additionally, the government has supported these efforts by promoting the adoption of QRIS as a safer and more efficient payment method. Although this adaptation is largely acknowledged as a positive response to the pandemic situation, some challenges such as digital literacy and infrastructure availability still pose obstacles for certain segments of the population.

QRIS not only provides benefits for users but also for business owners. By using QRIS, business owners can reduce the complexity of providing various electronic payment methods. QRIS eliminates the need to provide many different QR codes, as one QRIS QR code can be used by various payment service providers. Thus, the history of QRIS not only reflects the development of payment technology in Indonesia but also the effort to create a more efficient and integrated ecosystem for all parties involved in electronic transactions.

The benefits of providing QRIS as a payment method for your business

Creating QRIS for business brings several significant benefits. Firstly, QRIS enhances customer convenience in conducting transactions. By simply scanning the QR code displayed at the business location, customers can make payments quickly and efficiently, reducing queue time and enhancing the overall shopping experience. This speed and ease not only create a positive impression on your business but can also increase customer retention due to a smoother shopping experience.

Moreover, QRIS also provides convenience in business financial management. By using QRIS, all transactions can be recorded automatically and centrally, allowing you to track daily, weekly, or monthly income more accurately. This information is not only useful for accounting purposes but also aids in planning marketing strategies and managing inventory. With structured transaction data, businesses can make better and more responsive decisions in line with market trends and customer needs.

Lastly, another advantage of creating QRIS is the enhancement of transaction security. QRIS is designed with a high level of security, making it a safe and reliable payment option. Digital payments with QRIS reduce the risk of theft and fraud because transaction information is stored in encrypted form. Therefore, both customers and business owners can feel more secure in making and receiving payments. This benefit not only creates a secure transaction environment but also builds customer trust in your business.

How to create QRIS for your business, step by step

Now that you have learned more about QRIS in general, you have a better understanding of the importance of creating QRIS for your business, right? Surely, you now need to know how to create QRIS in detail, including the implementation process. Let's follow step by step the process of creating QRIS for your business, starting from the registration process, implementation, to promotion.

Registration with QRIS Provider

Choose a QRIS provider recognized by Bank Indonesia. Ensure that the provider has met the applicable security standards and regulations. Next, register your business with the QRIS provider by completing the provided registration form. Prepare the necessary documents according to the provider's requirements.

Verification and Approval

After submitting the registration form, the QRIS provider will verify the data and documents you have provided. If the data and documents are verified, you will receive approval from the QRIS provider. This approval is usually accompanied by the issuance of a unique QR code for your business.

Implementation Setup

Understand the procedures for using QRIS provided by the provider. This includes technical steps related to placing QR codes at business locations, integration with accounting systems, and training staff on using QRIS.

QR Code Placement

Affix the QRIS QR code in strategic locations at your business premises. Ensure it is easily visible and accessible to customers. If your business has an online platform, add the QR code to the website or mobile app to facilitate virtual digital payments.

Integration with Business Systems

Connect QRIS with your business's accounting and financial management system. Ensure transactions are automatically and centrally recorded for ease of tracking and analysis.

Employee Training

Educate your staff on the use of QRIS, including assisting customers who use QRIS for payments. Ensure your staff understands the benefits and features of QRIS so they can provide accurate information to customers.

Promotion and Customer Education

Promote to increase customer awareness of QRIS adoption in your business. You can also offer incentives or special promotions for customers using QRIS for payments to motivate them to use QRIS as a payment method. 

Aspire as the payment gateway provider to help your business create QRIS

If you already have a full understanding of how to create QRIS and how to register for QRIS, then it's time to choose the best provider that can help you quickly understand how to create QRIS, so you can immediately use it as a payment method in your business.

Aspire comes as a comprehensive payment solution to meet your business needs. As the best payment gateway service provider in Indonesia, Aspire offers the ease of creating QRIS for your business, along with more than 26 other payment options, including bank transfers, credit and debit cards, e-wallets, and retail payments through Indomaret and Alfamart. By using Aspire, you don't need to worry, as you will experience seamless integration and efficient use, along with automatic payment verification features that ensure faster and easier payment processes.

Aspire's system, which can be integrated with various accounting software used by your business, will greatly facilitate your financial operations, allowing you to focus more on overall business development. Aspire also provides responsive 24/7 support services, ready to assist you in overcoming any challenges or questions regarding the use of the payment system. By choosing Aspire as a payment partner in your business, you can enjoy various conveniences and security in running your business online. To find out more about running a business and everything related to financial management in business, check out Aspire's blog!

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About the author
Ekky Pramana
is a seasoned writer specialising in business finance and management. With a writing history at Tech in Asia, Teknoverso, and various other publishers, he leverages his market expertise to empower and educate first-time founders in managing their businesses better.
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