Aspire x AWS Jakarta Founders Night 2024: Scaling Traditional Businesses in a Tech-Driven World

Written by
Galih Gumelar
Last Modified on
September 18, 2024

Overcoming Challenges in Scaling Traditional Businesses

The panel kicked off by addressing the unique challenges traditional businesses face when scaling. Panelists agreed that while these businesses are adopting technology, many still focus too much on tech for its own sake, rather than using it as a growth enabler. Gian Adhitya of Peak XV Partners and Nicholas Sunjaya of AC Ventures emphasized that investors prioritise a company’s scalability and long-term potential over its use of cutting-edge technology.

The Impact of AI and Technology

Ian Holtz from AWS shared insights on how AI is transforming traditional businesses, enhancing areas such as data analysis, customer experience, and automation. Panelists emphasized that AI is not just a tool for efficiency, but a driver of innovation, helping companies like Bobobox streamline operations and improve customer experiences.

Indra Gunawan, CEO of Bobobox, explained how its modular business model allows the company to offer enhanced comfort to budget travelers while using technology to streamline the customer journey. Indra underscored that its success lies in mapping the customer journey and identifying key value drivers. Technology is essential, but only when thoughtfully integrated to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency.

Technology as a Competitive Edge

AWS representatives pointed out that technology should serve as a competitive advantage, not just to improve operations. Predictive analytics, IoT, and blockchain are among the tools that traditional businesses are starting to adopt to stay ahead of competitors. The panel concluded by advising businesses to set clear milestones before seeking investment, focusing on profitability and scalability.

The Aspire x AWS Jakarta Founders Night event was a clear demonstration that traditional businesses in Indonesia are not just surviving—they are thriving. With the right strategies, technology, and partnerships, these businesses can achieve the same level of growth typically only associated with tech startups.

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About the author
Galih Gumelar
is a seasoned writer specialising in macroeconomics, business, finance and politics. With a writing history at CNN Indonesia, The Jakarta Post, and various other reputed organisations, Galih leverages his broad range of experiences to create insightful resources for those wanting to start a business.
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