The Ins and Outs of BCA Corporate Credit Cards

Written by
Ekky Pramana
Last Modified on
May 30, 2024

Statistics compiled by the Indonesian Credit Card Association show that the value of credit card transactions in Indonesia during 2022 is IDR. 226,046,284. Where the category of customer users are divided into two, namely personal credit cards and corporate or business credit cards.

A business credit card for a corporation, not only allows the company to have ease in the availability of capital while exerting pressure on positive cash flow, but it can also offer some interesting things as follows:

1. Opportunity to build a business track record;

2. Building corporate image;

3. Safer in every transaction;

4. The opportunity to save money as many card companies offer special deals on business and office supplies, marketing, SaaS subscriptions; and

5. The opportunity to take advantage of discounts from vendors partnering with the Bank.

Most of the banks offer special purchase promos such as gifts or souvenirs, points, cashback and discounts on travel, insurance or other benefits. One of them is the Indonesian banking giant, BCA.

What is BCA Corporate Credit Card

BCA provides a variety of business products, one of which is a business credit card, with derivative services, namely Smart Cash Accounts, BCA Smart Cash, BCA Visa Corporate, and finally BCA Corporate Business Account. Where, the BCA Corporate Credit Card service is the BCA Visa Corporate.

BCA Visa Corporate is a credit card Service issued by BCA at the request of the company, and used by the company's designated person only for the benefit of the company.

Key features of using BCA corporate credit card

Online Report and Payment

BCA makes it easy to access information about detailed financial statements and payments that will appear in accordance with the card bill, limit information and transactions can be accessed online. Along with a summary of monthly usage reports for the company, payments can be made directly via Klik BCA Bisnis.

Wide Network

BCA Visa Corporate can be used at more than 65,000 merchants in Indonesia, and millions of merchants around the world with the Visa logo. Supported by more than 1,200 BCA branches, 17,000 BCA ATM networks, and more than 400,000 merchants with 500,000 EDC machines. Enjoy competitive conversion rates when using BCA Visa Corporate credit cards abroad.

Corporate Pride

BCA offers to print the company logo exclusively on the BCA VISA Corporate credit card, as a symbol of appreciation for executive employees who are trusted as BCA Visa Corporate credit card holders.

Ease of Transactions

Corporate credit card companies can change their habits to pay for business transactions from cash payments to online transfers, so that payments will be more effective and efficient in practice.

Competitive Exchange Rates

Companies can enjoy competitive conversion rates when using BCA Visa Corporate credit cards abroad

Types of BCA corporate credit cards available and how they compare to each other

BCA Visa Corporate

The minimum payment for BCA Visa Corporate is 5% of the outstanding balance or a minimum of Rp50,000, with a cash withdrawal administration fee of 4% or a minimum of Rp40,000. Details of other fees charged on this type of card include:

Annual Fee: Rp250.000

Replace Lost/Damaged Card: Rp50,000

Interest Rate: Cash Withdrawal 1.75% And Purchase 1.75%

Request For Copy Of Invoice: Rp50,000

Fee Limit: Rp40,000

Payment of BCA credit card bills at ATM BCA, there is no administration fee.

BCA Smartcash card

This type of card is a special credit card for professionals and companies that are used to fund their business entities, with limits ranging from Rp10,000,000 to Rp250,000,000.

Minimum payment of 5% of the total bill or a minimum of Rp50,000 plus Installment and Arrears transactions (if any), with a late fee of 1% or a maximum of Rp100,000.

Annual Fee: Rp250.000 

Replace Lost/Damaged Card: Rp50,000

Interest Rate: Cash Withdrawal 1.75% And Purchase 1.75%

Request For Copy Of Invoice: Rp10,000

Fee Limit: Rp40,000

Interest on purchase transactions is 1.75% effective/month with a grace period of 15-45 days, and interest on cash withdrawals is 1.75% effective/month without a grace period of 15-45 days. Where BCA Smartcash card cash withdrawal interest calculation is a daily interest calculation, including weekend and other holidays calculated from the transaction date.

BCA Corporate Credit Card application terms and Conditions

Legality documents required in the fulfillment of this credit card application are:

  1. Company Profile;
  2. Deed of Establishment and amendments;
  3. Ratification of the deed of establishment and approval/receipt of notification of amendments to the Articles of Association from the Minister of Law and Human Rights/from other authorized agencies;
  4. Business License;
  5. Company Registration Certificate (TDP)/joint Registration Number (NIB);
  6. Taxpayer Registration Number (TIN) of the company; and
  7. (KTP) Identity Card for Indonesian citizens/Passport & (KITAS) Temporary Stay Permit for foreign managers and shareholders.

In addition, Financial Documents are required from the applicant company in the form of:

  1. Company Financial Statements for the last 2 (two) years; And
  2. Bank statements for the last 3 (three) months.

Cooperation documents that become other supporting documents, namely:

  1. Autodebet authorization letter (if payment using autodebet facility);
  2. Letter of recommendation for the limit;
  3. Power of attorney for appointment of PIC (Person in Charge) + copy of (KTP) Identity Card for Indonesian citizens/Passport & (KITAS)  Temporary Stay Permit for foreigners; and
  4. Cardholder application form + copy of (KTP) Identity Card for Indonesian citizens/Passport & (KITAS) Temporary Stay Permit for foreigners.

The card is non-transferable and must be signed by the cardholder whose name is printed on the card and may not be used by anyone else in place of the cardholder.

How to apply for BCA Corporate Card

1. Find the nearest BCA branch location to get these products or services directly;

2. Contact Halo BCA at (021) 500888 and whatsapp + 62 811-1500-998;

3. Fill out the corporate Visa Application Form online, here are the details of the fields that need to be filled in:

  • Form of Business Entity;
  • Company name;
  • Company's address;
  • Company Telephone Number (area code – telephone no);
  • Does the Company have a BCA Account;
  • Company Person In Charge Name;
  • Company Person In Charge telephone number; And
  • E-mail.

BCA corporate credit card usage strategy to maximize company profits

Business trip

External services for company employees often occur either planned or suddenly, companies can take advantage of official travel promos such as airplane tickets, hotels and other accommodations through this credit card. Both in the form of discounts and cashback from merchants who work with BCA.

Purchase of Operational Equipment

BCA often provides discounts for office operational support needs such as laptops, televisions, vacuum cleaners and so on. Such as Makadata Surabaya vouchers for purchasing office stationery, discounts of 1 million at Erafone and Eraspace, and many more.


Good relations need to be built between the company and outside parties such as vendors to clients, in order to maintain good and profitable cooperation between both parties. Therefore, every activity of the relationship can be fulfilled by using a BCA corporate credit card, the attractive offers come from the culinary, electronic and lifestyle segments.


BCA smartcash is issued to debtors who need a cash account that can be used as a source of payment to distributors for every transaction made. This service also provides flexibility for customers to meet all business needs with an injection of business funds.

Protection Against Fraud

By having a BCA corporate credit card, customers will receive anti-fraud protection in maintaining the confidentiality of personal and corporate data. This is evidenced by the issuance of Decree No.114/SK/DIR / 2021 dated June 17, 2021 regarding the adjustment of the Anti-Fraud Strategy Policy.

Benefits of using BCA corporate credit card for corporate financial management

One of the main operational joints of a business is funding activities, which are inclusive access to financing for business actors, this is very much needed to meet the various needs and activities of the company. The implementation is by utilizing access to financing provided by creditors such as the BCA corporate credit card service.

As mentioned above, customers can take advantage of various promos offered by corporate credit cards for various needs such as flight discounts, discounts on purchases of domestic Office needs, to culinary promos to entertain company guests.

Through financing facilities and various programs offered, it is expected not only to support the development and financial management of the company, but also to strengthen the economic transformation of business activists in the country.

Corporate card alternatives from Aspire

Aspire issues corporate cards that are no less superior, this all-in-one platform not only works in purchases and funding, Aspire Corporate Cards are integrated with a system that allows you to monitor company spending in real time and transparently.

The main attractive services offered in this program are unlimited cashback, no monthly fees and 100% online application, layered protection from various types of fraud, and ease of submission so that your application can be approved in minutes through the Aspire app.

Main Features of Aspire Vs BCA Corporate Card

Extensive network

Aspire Corporate Cards are supported by the MasterCard network and are widely accepted by more than 48 million merchants worldwide, so you don't have to worry about using them in various countries.

Quick & easy application

In addition, Aspire has the advantage of being able to cut card registration time without having to visit a bank branch. The application also does not require a security deposit from your company, and the card obtained is not physical, but virtual.


The advantage of Aspire compared to others is that it offers up to 1% cashback for company business purchases, enjoy this cashback at some of the most popular merchants throughout Indonesia and also the world. 


Aspire allows you to be able to track corporate card spending in real time. To know when and where each spending occurs, so you can control excess spending by setting a budget. Get notified when your budget is running low.

Multi Forex Transaction

With the strong network of Aspire cards, you can make international transfers with transparent exchange rates up front and no fees, low exchange rates, free local transfers, fast and real time.

Smart Invoice

Aspire comes with Smart Invoice which has a setting as an automatic reminder so you get notifications when you receive a payment.

In conclusion, both types of Cards have their advantages. But Aspire Corporate Cards understands your needs. Starting from the MasterCard network, ease of registration, attractive cashback, multi currency, and Budget Management for companies. Aspire Corporate Cards provide convenience and protection for your corporate transactions.

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About the author
Ekky Pramana
is a seasoned writer specialising in business finance and management. With a writing history at Tech in Asia, Teknoverso, and various other publishers, he leverages his market expertise to empower and educate first-time founders in managing their businesses better.
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