10 Best Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Business

Written by
Zachary Pestana
Last Modified on
December 19, 2023

With over two billion active users globally, Facebook has been crowned the king of social media for many reasons. One of which is its triumph in promoting social interactions.

While many small businesses are struggling to foster a positive engagement, the utilization of Facebook marketing has helped a diverse of brands to be more socially interactive. The upshot? It’s budget-friendly and the flexibility to customization is simply astonishing.

Here are the best Facebook marketing tips for small business owners like you to find the right audience precisely without compromising the value you perceived.

1. Embrace and Create Your Unique Facebook Business Identify

It has always been a blurred line for those who are struggling to embrace their brand. So, to set things straight, first, learn to understand your brand, and find the true identity that you truly concede and comprehend. Once done, set up a business page on Facebook that projects stories and engagement that can connect the dots between you and your target audience.

Here are the necessary elements you need to project your business page for a maximum authority:

  • Optimize your Facebook business profile with comprehensive information aligned with your business goal.
  • Choose a category that best represents your business to raise brand awareness.
  • Make sure you use engaging photos and images that clearly display your business intention.
  • Utilize the cover photo and the spaces for compelling call-to-action (CTA) banners, videos, infographics, and more.
  • Manage your sidebar to organize the navigation of the business Facebook page.

The key here is to be straightforward and transparent with your audiences on how you market your business. The last thing you want is someone to bounce from your business page to another.

2. Optimize Your Facebook Username for an Appealing Vanity URL

Ok, hold on. What’s a vanity URL?

It is a unique web address that is meant to be structured in the most strategic way to help users recognize the brand or profile deliberately. An optimized vanity URL will land you an easy to read page link that can ultimately boost your business exposure on Facebook and search engine too.

While many would have chosen to omit this step, from a marketing standpoint, it is in fact, one of the easiest yet inevitable steps that yield a substantial impact.

Here’s the example of a good vanity URL when you’re starting a small business Facebook page:



A key tip to keep your vanity URL active is to make sure you are using the same user name consistently on different social media. Make sure it’s search-friendly and keyword optimized not only on Facebook but on other search engines as well.

3. Keep the Facebook Tabs Organized and Sleek

AspireSingapore Facebook page tab. CC: AspireSingapore Facebook page

The best way to improve page dwell time is when your Facebook page navigation is optimized. Try structuring your Facebook tabs with a top-down approach, whereby the most important information is listed on top.

Yes, you may use the premade tabs as most of the essential elements are pre-listed. But, we do recommend a customized Facebook tab. Mainly because you can utilize this space to stimulate a more natural and progressive CTA.

Try studying the buying pattern or modify your page in a try-and-error approach to have a grasp as to how your users' interaction on your Facebook page. If these changes were made to fit the needs of your users, eventually the page traffic to your small business will augment.

4. Diversify Your Post Content Consistently

Consistency is the key to success. Regardless you’re optimizing your content to fit the Google or Facebook algorithm, you just have to keep going. It’s inevitable that some of your posts might get an unbelievable amount of engagement while the others suffer the grief.

The Facebook algorithm is indeed hard to be dissected. But, as long as you diversify the content distribution, it’s really just a matter of time these Facebook marketing tips reveal its true potential on your small business.

5. Boost Your Small Business Exposure with Paid Ads

Facebook marketing ads.  CC: Will Francis on Unsplash

If you crave a little marketing boost for your small business beyond the organic Facebook marketing practices, paid ads are ideal. While some marketers argued that there are other ways to generate a positive conversion rate, the results of paid ads are immensely rewarding.

Most ad campaigns with precise targets and correct bidding can generate a profitable impression. Paid ads aren’t necessarily the cheapest, but if you’re keen to find out, try signing up for the Aspire business account to enjoy 1% cashback from any online marketing or SaaS purchase, including the Facebook paid ads.

Just like any other social media, your posting time is crucial. Sometimes, you’ll hit the jackpot with overloaded impression and engagement while some are rather mediocre. While the content quality does matter, the time you post is of paramount importance. According to the expert, posting on weekdays hit the highest engagement point as opposed to posting during the weekend.

A small business might not have the manpower to optimize the posting time but it’s not impossible. With the help of social scheduling services and platforms like Buffer, Tailwind, or Hootsuite, you can easily set up your Facebook posting to be posted automatically at a specific hour and date with just a few clicks.

7. Use the Facebook Page Insights

It’s easy to get lost without direction. The Facebook page analytics tool is perfect to help you dissect these posting trends to understand what works and not.

The Facebook Insights is here to give you an overview of your page’s performance in terms of the post reach, shares, likes, and the overall engagement rate. From there, you’re clued in with the type of posts that drives the most engagement. If you’re using paid ads, Facebook Insights is your chance to discern its performance.

8. Pay Attention to the Details of Your Posts

Facebook interface changes all the time whenever there’s an update. Pay attention to how it’s previewed. The way you choose the cover image or to format your post is a deciding factor whether your Facebook posts protrude or dwindle from the crowd.

The best practice is to incorporate high-quality images or interactive videos that are attention-grabbing. Alternatively, try poll posts that drive user interactions on your Facebook page. Make sure the post is accompanied by unique texts to trigger a user’s curiosity. Keep your Facebook post clean, avoid fluffs, and unnecessary links that overshadow your subject.

9. Buckle-up Your Response Rate

Customer support via email or messenger. CC: Pixabay

Truth is, nobody likes waiting. An established business is capable to answer any arising questions promptly but it doesn’t mean, a small business can’t do just that. All you need is to compartmentalize and prioritize your customer needs. If your small business is an online boutique shop, make sure you’re able to provide the product information and measurement to your clients quickly to seal the deal.

However, if you’re unable to fulfill the demand, try to pin a Facebook post with the specific information in a form of infographics or posts for a user to refer to conveniently. Otherwise, consider a chatbot that can reply to an inquiry automatically.

10. Keep It Professional and Don’t Overdo!

The misconception of ‘the more the merrier’ simply doesn’t apply in this case. Disregarding the optimal posting frequency will in return generate a negative impact on your Facebook page. Imagine your user’s Facebook feed is bombarded with your posts, it’s definitely a sore for the eyes. Hold your horses, try to keep it calm by posting once or twice per day. The last thing you want is your followers to feel spammy.

There You Have It — Best Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Business

There’s no one sure to fit all strategies when it comes to Facebook marketing. It all depends on the type of your small business and of course, who’s your target audience. While these strategies might or might not work, it’s definitely worth a try. You wouldn’t know if you didn't initiate the first step. So, start away now!

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About the author
Zachary Pestana
is a seasoned writer in market trends and business thought leadership. With a writing history at Incorp Global, MOQdigital, and AIESEC Australia, Zachary leverages his broad range of experiences to stimulate industry conversations and engage audiences.
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