50 Business Opportunities for Fresh Graduates in Singapore

Written by
Marissa Saini
Last Modified on
December 19, 2023

The job market is currently a tough place. There are high amounts of talents with a low supply of jobs. Instead of waiting around for your dream job, why not try your hands on business opportunities?

If you are a fresh graduate or a budding entrepreneur looking to start a business, here are 50 business opportunities that you may want to consider.

50 Business Opportunities for Fresh Graduates in Singapore

50 Business Opportunities for Fresh Graduates in Singapore

1. Online Dating Consultant

Have great interpersonal skills? Dating consultants provide advice to those that need help developing interpersonal skills to find a better match.

2. Domain Name Broker

Are you good at coming up with brand names? A domain name broker purchases domain names that they believe are in demand and tries to flip them for profit.

3. Webinar Organiser

Organise online webinars by sharing topics that your audience are interested in while charging them attendance fees.

4. Tutoring Services

If you did well for any subject matter, you can consider imparting your knowledge to others as a tutor.

5. Social Media Consultant

Are you social media savvy? Help businesses run social media campaigns by improving their brand engagement, brand loyalty, and drive sales from social media platforms!

6. Hawker Stall Owner

In Singapore, the universal language that we all speak is food. Starting your own hawker business is a business opportunity that many overlook. With high demand and relatively low barriers to entry, this is something that you should consider.

7. Writing Services

If you have a flair with words, why not make the most of it and offer writing services for clients. You could offer to write essays, blog articles, and or even newsletters.

8. Diet and Meal Planner

These days, everyone is self-conscious about what they eat, and some are even too busy to monitor their diet. Plan and curate meals that would help your clients achieve their goals.

9. Fitness Consultant

More people are finding that keeping fit is a necessity and many are unsure how to do so. Many would gladly pay a personal fitness instructor to train them. If you are passionate about fitness, why not capitalise on it?

10. Pet Grooming Services

Everyone loves their pets, but most pet owners either do not know how to groom their pets or have no time to do this themselves.

11. Master of Ceremonies (MC/Emcee)

An emcee is the official host for events like weddings, performances, or parties. Usually, the emcee introduces speakers, makes announcements, and engages the audience to keep the event flowing as smoothly as possible.

12. Bookkeeping Services

Have accounting skills? Consider becoming a bookkeeper and offer bookkeeping services to small businesses.

13. Do Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

If you know how to do SEO, companies are paying good money to get organic traffic to their websites. All you have to do is get them to the top of search engines.

14. Translation Services

If you have a second language, you can help provide translation services verbally or in written form.

15. Meal Planning Services

Eating healthy has been a trend and will only continue to be adopted by many. If you’re good with nutrition can come up with meal plans and nutritional guides, you can sell this as a service!

16. Website Designer

Luckily for you, websites can be designed and built easily using page builders. This means you don’t need to learn programming to offer this as a service!

17. Vocal Coach

If you have the ability to listen and assess your clients’ singing, a vocal coach might be suited for you. Assess their skills, strengths, and weaknesses, and then develop vocal lessons to improve pitch, tone, range, and song delivery.

18. Dropshipping

Know of a problem that many people face? Look for a product online that solves this problem and dropship them to customers.

19. Remote Personal Assistant

Surprisingly a lot of busy professionals need the extra hand to manage administrative work such as reading their emails, responding to inquiries, and organising meetings and tasks.

20. Resume Writing Services

Good with words and can present information well? Help others write their resume that attracts potential employers!

21. Affiliate Marketer

Do you often find yourself recommending products to your friends? An affiliate marketer does this while earning a commission from the sales made.

22. Gardening Service

Do you love gardening, rearranging plants, and beautifying homes? There’s a market for such a service to keep homes decorated with flora.

23. Photography Services

Offer photography services at events such as weddings and parties. You don’t need the most popular or most expensive cameras to start as a decent set of equipment will suffice.

24. Photo Editor

As a photo editor, you review and select photos for promotion or publication purposes. Identify relevant images, edit, and retouch photos to make them more appealing.

25. Cleaning Services

Busy working professionals often hire part-time workers to clean their homes and offices. Get paid up to S$25/hour to do this for them!

26. Babysitting Services

With many families with both parents working, it presents the opportunity for you to become a babysitter while parents are out working. All you have to do is to take care of their children while they attend to their businesses.

27. Hair Stylist

If you have a knack for cutting and styling hair, a hairstylist or a barber might suit you. Everyone wants to look good, and hair care will continue to have a constant demand.

28. Dog Walker

Love dogs but unable to keep them? Consider being a dog walker where you can take out someone else’s dog for a walk instead.

29. Creative Design Service

If you have an eye for design, you can start a creative design business! You can offer graphic design, illustrations, and even beautifying reports for others.

30. Party Planner

Put together the best deejays, decorations, and equipment needed to plan and organise parties for others.

31. Sports Trainer

Great at sports and want to monetise your skills? Offer one-to-one personal sports training or group classes to those interested!

32. Home Baker

If you enjoy baking at home and are good at what you do, consider becoming a home baker. You can start by advertising online through Instagram or Facebook, and then take a limited amount of orders each week.

33. Grocer on Wheels

Offer grocery buying services for busy Singaporeans or elderly who aren't able to shop on their own. Deliver the groceries using your car, motorbike, or bicycle.

34. Jewellery Designer

Jewellery design is a craft that is easy to learn. Market your designs through social media channels or even YouTube.

35. Bicycle Courier

Have a bicycle at home? You can help clients deliver goods, documents, and parcels and charge them for it!

36. Cycling Tutor

You’ll be surprised at the number of people who don’t know how to ride bicycles. Being a cycling tutor, you can teach children and adults the essential skill of bicycle riding!

37. Professional Cycling Club

Gather professionals or aspiring professional cyclists to form a cycling club. Provide perks and organise club-only events. Monetise by charging monthly subscription fees.

38. Laundry Management Services

Target families that don’t have the time to do their laundry. Bring the dirty laundry to a laundromat and earn profits easily. Make sure you learn the different types of fabrics, so you don’t accidentally ruin someone’s clothes!

39. Buy and sell limited-edition streetwear

Know the ins and outs of the streetwear industry? Look for limited-edition products that are high in demand and flip them for a profit.

40. Website and App Tester

Many companies need website and app testers to test the usability of their products before launching. All you have to do is use and provide feedback on how easy it was to use and how well everything functioned.

41. Selling Study Notes

Got your study notes lying around? Why not make copies of it and sell them off? From polytechnic to university notes and essays, there’s always a market for it.

42. Interior Design Services

If you’re good at designing homes, being an interior designer will provide you with some good money.

43. Tour Guide

Singapore is a major tourist destination. Offer to be a tour guide and bring tourists to places that are not-so-popular amongst travel agencies!

44. Blogging

Have a skillset and a knack for words? Start a blog by sharing your knowledge online! Monetise by running ads, sponsored posts, and product promotions.

45. Makeup services

Makeup artists make a lot of money, so if you’re skilled at makeup, invest in a few sets of quality products and start networking to find clients.

46. Handmade Crafts

Handmade goods are seeing an increase in demand as consumers are moving away from mass-produced goods. Make sure the crafts you’re selling are in demand and are worth it for consumers.

47. Proofreading Services

A proofreader ensures content is free of typographical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and other such errors.

48. Dance and Music Classes

If you are skilled at a type of dance or play any musical instrument well, consider becoming an instructor and offer classes.

49. Start Building Mobile Applications

Gained programming skills from school? Build mobile apps and monetise through ads, in-app purchases, or even selling it as a service!

50. Tailoring Services

You can make good money from helping customers mend their clothes. Offer a range of services from altering, repairing, or modifying garments for customers based on their specifications, needs, and preferences.


Although there are 50 business ideas, always keep your options open and look for ways to earn money. Choose a business idea that relates to your own goals as these businesses are the ones that you will enjoy doing.

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About the author
Marissa Saini
is a seasoned writer and an avid trendspotter across business finance, personal finance, travel and lifestyle industries. With writing history at SingSaver, INK, and ohmyhome, Marissa leverages her broad range of experiences to simplify finance and make readers financially savvy.
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