14 Small Business Ideas for Women in Singapore

Written by
Marissa Saini
Last Modified on
June 6, 2024

For decades, women have been underrepresented in the workforce. In today’s world, where gender barriers are slowly being smashed, more and more women are taking their careers and financial security into their own hands. While some are joining the workforce, many women are turning to entrepreneurship. In Singapore, 27.5% of businesses are women-owned. 

If you want to embrace entrepreneurship, then we have 20 small business ideas for women in Singapore, depending on the trends and demands in the country. You can use these home business ideas in Singapore to start a full-time career or a side hustle that can make you some extra money. Read on to find out how to become a girl boss in no time! 

Why You Should Start a Small Business in Singapore as a Woman

Entrepreneurship can be a rewarding experience. As a woman, embarking on this journey has many advantages. Here are five reasons why you should consider starting a small business in Singapore as a woman:

Financial Independence

Over a third of women in relationships across the world depend on their partners for money. The number one advantage of starting your own business is that it will give you money to call your own. When you start your business, you can have full freedom over your finances, make investment decisions and secure your financial future. 

Be Your Own Boss

If you want to break free from the clutches of patriarchy and be your own boss, starting a small business can be a great first step in that direction. You can call all the shots in your business, make crucial decisions and see yourself flourish. 

Break Away From 9-5

If you are a woman who hates the 9-5 culture, turning to entrepreneurship can be a great reprieve from that cycle. There are many home business ideas in Singapore you can turn to to escape 9-5 work. 

Empower Others

When you decide to expand your small business, you can hire other women, thereby empowering them to become self-sufficient and financially independent. 


If you crave the idea of leaving behind a legacy for your future generations, what better way to do that than start a business of your own? You can build a brand that will outlive you and also make enough generational wealth to pass on to your children and grandchildren. 

How to Choose the Best Business to Do in Singapore

Now that you’ve decided to start a business, choosing a business idea is very important. There are many factors to consider when you are making this decision. 


One of the best ways to narrow down on a business idea is to consider what you’re passionate about. This will automatically turn into drive and help you put your best foot forward in the business. Your commitment to your business is likely to be higher if you choose a field you’re interested in. 


After passion, you should also consider your knowledge in that particular domain. The more knowledgeable you are, the better your chances of success will be. Even if you aren’t very knowledgeable in the field, you can always spend time learning more about it. 

Market Demand

Interest and knowledge are personal, but the other side of the business is to have potential customers. For this, you need to understand what the demand for your product or service will be in the market. You should conduct a thorough market analysis and speak to customers to understand if there will be any takers for your business once you start it. 


Starting a business often requires some capital outlay. When considering what home business to start in Singapore, you should always keep in mind the initial investment that will be required. Then understand how you plan to fund the initial investment - do you have savings or will you need to take a loan? What are the requirements for a loan? 

20 Small Business Ideas for Women in Singapore

1. Affiliate Marketing

Average Salary: $25-$100 per sale

Affiliate Marketing as small business ideas for women in Singapore

Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing that requires individuals to make online product referrals. Once someone has made a purchase based on your recommendation, you'll get paid in commission. From there, the affiliate company or paying company will keep track of all the sales and traffic that you make through your website or other promotional techniques.

What you need to start: 

  • A niche to begin your affiliate marketing business
  • An active social media, blog or website in the niche 
  • Solid following 
  • Patience 


  • You won’t make money overnight in affiliate marketing. You have to build an audience and your brand
  • Learn the right metrics to track for success

2. Baking

Average Salary: From $80-$100 for a customised cake

If you already have a knack for baking, why not turn it into a business? Homemade baked goods like cookies, cakes, brownies, and the likes make great gifts for any occasion that will never go out of season.

The best thing about having a small baking business is that it doesn't cost much to get started. With a minimal amount of capital to spend on ingredients and delivery costs, anyone can set up their own home-based bakery.

What you need to start: 

  • Baking equipment 
  • A functional kitchen 
  • Website/ social media account to take orders
  • Delivery mechanism


  • Home baking is a competitive business. You should find a niche or a USP to increase sales
  • Although you don’t need a license to start a home baking business, you need to follow health and safety guidelines as outlined by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA)

3. Blogging

Average Salary: From $175 per blog posts with minimum 10,000 monthly impressions

Source: Kristie Hill

Compared to traditional blogging, where it was all about posting your stories and opinions online, blogging in today's digital age has become a vital marketing tool for many brands. It has outgrown its origin of being simply a form of expression to becoming one of the most effective mediums that brands use today; have you seen a website without a blog section?

In order to set off on your journey as an online blogger, you need to create your website first. There plenty of blogging platforms online that come with a variety of templates for you to choose from, so you don't need to be a coder just to get started. Ideally, this small business idea is best suited for individuals who have some level of experience in writing content for web.

What you need to start: 

  • A website
  • Writing experience 


  • You should work on improving your writing skills to become a successful blogger
  • You need to be adept at deadline management

4. Book Keeping

Average Salary: From $100 per month for a client

Bookkeeping is part of the process of accounting in business. It refers to recording financial transactions such as purchases, sales, receipts, and payments. You can give this services freelance, by working from home to businesses who don't have a permanent accountant.

Nowadays, virtual bookkeeping is becoming more popular as a viable side hustle among many due to its convenience factor. On top of that, you don't a significant amount of experience. All you need is alertness, an analytical mind, and attention to detail.

What you need to start: 

  • A website
  • Accounting experience 


  • Accounting can be time-consuming
  • It requires precision and alertness
💡 Tips: Already using accounting software for your bookkeeping needs? Simply link it to your Aspire account in just a few clicks.

5. Consulting

Average Salary: From $65 per hour

If you want to impart your expertise in a specific field on a more professional love, why not consider consulting? From sectors such as design, marketing, health, and everything else in between, becoming a freelance consultant has been proven to be a viable home-based business that can be kickstarted at little to now cost.

First, you need to know what you're good at and find your niche. Ensure that you're equipped with all the information and tools you need to guide potential clients throughout their engagement. Once that's done, you need to lay out the ground work and begin marketing your services. This could be done through social media or even work-of-mouth marketing.

Regardless of the medium you've chosen, always position yourself as an expert with a service to offer.

What you need to start: 

  • A website
  • Experience in the field you want to consult in


  • Networking goes a long way when you want to consult
  • Word of mouth is one of the best ways to get new clients

6. Content Writing

Average Salary: $8-$250 for 500 words

Similar to blogging, content writing has also become an ideal small business idea for many individuals across the globe. The goal of a content writer is to create a piece of writing that will be featured on websites or ads to entice online audiences to stay longer on websites and engage with a specific brand.

If you're just starting out, you can start off by becoming a freelance or independent content writer for brands. But if you have the means to expand your service, you can begin employing other content writers and set up your own company that offers a variety of writing services.

What you need to start: 

  • A website/ social media presence
  • Writing experience 


  • Content writing can be time-consuming
  • It is a highly competitive market‍

To learn more on how to start a freelance writing business in greater detail, click here.

7. Copywriting

Average Salary: $8-$250 for 500 words

Copywriter and content writer differences
Source: UX Planet

Don't confuse yourself between content writing and copywriting; they may have subtle similarities but they are both still very different mediums altogether. Primarily, the goal of a content writer is to inform or persuade a reader. On the other hand, copywriters write content for brands with the intention of selling a persona or brand to your target audience.

While blogging and content writing is still considerably suitable for individuals with little experience, copywriting is slightly more demanding. Whether it's in the technical, creative, content, marketing, or SEO field, determine which type of copywriting is for you and learn the ropes from there!

What you need to start: 

  • Copywriting experience


  • Know the difference between content writing, blogging and copywriting
  • Picking a niche can help you find clients more easily

8. DIY Craft Making

Average Salary: Depending on the products and price

While many of us take art and craft making as an enjoyable pastime, who said we can't earn a little extra cash while we're at it? From soap making, candle making, screen printing, or even pottery making, there are dozens and dozens of craft making activities that you can explore.

If it's a specific craft that you're not familiar with, there's bound to be classes available as well. Pour your creativity, hobby, and skills into a successful venture!

What you need to start: 

  • Crafting materials
  • Website/ social media 
  • Delivery mechanism


  • Choose a good brand name to market your products
  • Never compromise on quality

9. Flower Arrangement

Average Salary: $1000-$2000 per month

Have a knack for making turning simple flowers into stunning arrangements? Then that could be a great small business idea too. Not only is making flower arrangements a therapeutic activity to enjoy on your own or with friends, but it can also bring additional income.

Just like baked goods, flowers will never go out of season. Regardless of the occasion, there will also be a demand for these delicately arranged bouquets. Think of major occasions or notable milestones such as weddings, birthdays, proposals, and graduations—was there ever a time where you didn't see someone with flowers in their hand?

What you need to start: 

  • A flower wholesaler contact
  • Website/ social media
  • Delivery mechanism


  • Flowers need to be kept fresh, so you may need to arrange for suitable storage in case of large orders

10. Online Selling

Average Salary: Depending on the products and price

As the name suggests, you simply sell things as an online seller. You can do this by building your own website on platforms such as Shopify or joining an e-commerce marketplace like Shopee, Lazada, or Carousell.

Since each of these platforms have its own strengths and unique features, it's best to do your research beforehand to analyze which platform is the best for you, your products, and your target audience.

What you need to start: 

  • Products to sell
  • Initial investment 
  • Website


  • Choosing the right E-commerce business is important for success
  • Many online portals like Shopee, Lazada and Amazon allow you to list as a seller
💡 Tips: To boost your online sales even further, tap into Shopee Ads to help give your products and brand more exposure. Aspire users can enjoy 20% off Shopee Ads with the Aspire Corporate Visa Card.

11. Online Survey

Average salary: $0.30 to $7.5 for each survey

Yes, you can make money by giving your opinion about a number of products and services by filling out online surveys. The more surveys you fill out, the more points you get which can be redeemed in the form of vouchers, cash, etc. Some Paid Online Surveys in Singapore website to check out:

  1. Toluna Singapore
  2. Viewfruit
  3. LifePoints Panel SG
  4. ClixSense
  5. PrizeRebel

The concept of completing online surveys in exchange for monetary rewards is quite straightforward and doesn't require much technical skills. If you think you have time to spare, this is something you may want to venture into.

What you need to start: 

  • Time!


  • Do your research on the survey portal you use. 
  • Get an antivirus on your system to avoid malware from suspicious sites. 

12. Event Planning

Average Salary: Ranges from $1,800 to more than $5,000. However, varies according to weddings and how many weddings a month.

Were you always the designated party planner when it came to family gatherings and special occasions? Then maybe you have what it takes to start a small event plannig business. Such events you can consider organising include children's birthdays, gender reveals, wedding proposals, and the list goes on.

While it does sound like all fun and games, do not that there's a lot that goes behind event planning as a professional; it's not walk in the park. A few areas to take into consider include logistics, suppliers, venues, caterers, as well as photography companies.

What you need to start: 

  • Negotiation and budgeting skills
  • Networking skills


  • Event management can be stressful. Usually, it’s better to start full-time so you can devote your time to it
  • Choose a niche so you can get better at it
  • Find the right suppliers to minimize your costs

Here is a good resource to read for those interested in knowing more about how to work from home as an event planner.

13. Tutoring

Average Salary: From $30 per hour

If you have an interest in education or expertise in a certain area, you can start this small business by deciding on the subject that you have specialization in. The arrangements between your students may vary, depending on the agreed arrangement. In Singapore, most freelance tutors visit the homes of their students and are under parental supervision throughout the session. Alternatively, you can also offer online classes and accommodate several students at once as well.

Webinars are also proving to be a growing trend among working professionals today, especially with the pandemic still underway.

What you need to start: 

  • A niche to start tutoring
  • Good knowledge about the subject


  • Choose a subject you are comfortable with
  • Start with a small test batch
  • Going online can save you a lot of money

Learn more about Running a Webinar with LinkedIn here.

14. Translator

Average Salary: From $50-$70 an hour

Translation has become a fast high-potential web-based business that offers opportunities to make money online. With some companies, you get paid for translating, per word.

However, it still depends on the type of document to be translated, the language combination, the amount of work involved, the subject matter and the deadline.

What you need to start: 

  • A website/ social media presence

15. Pet Sitting

Average Salary: SG$20 - SG$50 per hour

Love animals and want to spend more time with them? Turn it into a profitable business idea! You can start a pet-sitting business with no investment and make tons of money! During the pandemic, many Singaporeans adopted animals. Now that they have to go back to work, they need someone to look after their furry friends. You can be the go-to person! 

The best part about pet sitting is that you can always take on another gig to do while you pet sit at your client’s house. 

What you need to start: 

  • Experience with animals 
  • Website/ social media 


  • You have to understand animals to be a good pet sitter
  • You may have to go to the client’s house to take care of their pets
  • Don’t forget to factor in travel expenses when you quote your rates!

16. Dog Walking 

Average Salary: SG$20-SG$30 per hour 

If you don’t think you can make time for pet sitting, you can always consider dog walking! Many pet parents don’t have time to take their dogs on two walks a day. As a dog walker, you get to explore different areas with dogs and spend time with animals! So much fun! 

You can also do this as a side hustle along with a full-time job. And if you are experienced enough, you can take multiple dogs walking at once! 

What you need to start: 

  • A way with dogs


  • You need the right temperament to handle dogs 

17. Dropshipping 

Average Salary: Depends on the products you sell. 

Dropshipping is an excellent small business idea that is super simple to start and requires next to no expertise. You simply act as an intermediary between suppliers and buyers. You can set up a website where you rebrand products and sell them to another person. They take care of packaging and shipping, so you don’t have to worry about storage either. It is one of the best business ideas for women in Singapore. 

What you need to start: 

  • A website 
  • Supplier contacts 


  • Choose the right products you want to sell. 
  • Talk to reliable suppliers. 
  • Work on a solid brand. 

18. Web Designing  

Average Salary: Starts at SG$500 per website

In the digital world that we live in, everyone wants an online presence. This means they will need a website to stay functional. From startups and freelancers to big companies, everyone wants a professional-looking website. If you are good at UI/UX design or website building, it’s a viable business opportunity to explore. 

All you need is some experience with different website-building tools. You can start by building your own website or a few samples to share with clients. This can be the building blocks for your website business. 

What you need to start: 

  • Website design experience 


  • Familiarize yourself with different website hosting pages and design websites. 
  • You could also consider investing in a course to build your skills. 

19. Fitness Coach   

Average Salary: Starts at SG$1000 per client

Fitness and health is a rising trends across the globe. In Singapore, the digital fitness industry alone is expected to grow to around USD300 million, clocking in a CAGR of 8.98% until 2027. If you are a fitness freak, starting your own fitness centre can be among the best businesses to do in Singapore. Female coaches are in high demand as more women become conscious of their health. 

Moreover, there are a range of fitness coaching services you can provide, from nutritional consulting to yoga and aerobics. You can also choose from group sessions, individual consulting and online sessions. 

What you need to start: 

  • Certificate in a fitness field  


  • You will need a space to start in-person fitness sessions. You could even convert a room in your home for this. 
  • Choose an area that you are comfortable and confident in before you expand to provide other services. 

20. Stylist    

Average Salary: Starts at SG$100 per hour

Got a knack for fashion and keeping up with the latest tr

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you start a home-based business in Singapore?

Home-based businesses require a lower capital outlay. For instance, you don’t need to spend on rent, travel expenses and pay separate electricity bills. You can start a small business in Singapore from your home. It also gives you time flexibility, financial independence and the opportunity to leave behind a legacy.

What are the challenges to home-based businesses?

One of the biggest challenges of a home-based business is the intermingling of personal and professional life. A lack of separation between business and personal life means you may not have as much work-life balance. On the flip side, you may be easily distracted by home chores that can detract from business. You can avoid this by creating a separate working space in the house.

What are some home-based business ideas in Singapore for women to consider?

There are numerous home-based business ideas in Singapore you can start as a woman. Some ideas are:

  • Home baking business
  • Creative writing and blogging
  • Copywriting
  • Web designing services
  • E-commerce business
  • Dropshipping
  • Tutoring
  • Translating services

Do I need to register my business if I am doing it from home?

Even if you run a home-based business, you must register it with ACRA. This ensures that you run your business legally. Aspire can help you with your business registration.

I want to start a home-based business but keep my home address private. Is that possible?

Yes, you can. Consider getting a virtual office. This will allow you to register a physical address and provide official services without having to rent a place. You can use the virtual address as your registered office address without giving your home address out.

About the author
Marissa Saini
is a seasoned writer and an avid trendspotter across business finance, personal finance, travel and lifestyle industries. With writing history at SingSaver, INK, and ohmyhome, Marissa leverages her broad range of experiences to simplify finance and make readers financially savvy.
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