
State of Ad Spend - 2023 Outlook and Forecasts in the Asia Pacific

Despite global political and economic uncertainty, the advertising industry in the Asia-Pacific region experienced strong growth in 2022. As we look towards 2023, continued collective growth in advertising spend is expected, driven by inflation as much as volume. This report will provide you key insights and forecasts for the regional advertising industry in 2023 and beyond, including:

  • Advertising Trends and Figures driving 2023 growth in the APAC region
  • Statistics and Figures split by Advertising Channel
  • Key Industries driving market growth
  • Priorities for Marketing Agencies and Brands
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State of Ad Spend - 2023 Outlook and Forecasts in the Asia Pacific

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Despite global political and economic uncertainty, the advertising industry in the Asia-Pacific region experienced strong growth in 2022. As we look towards 2023, continued collective growth in advertising spend is expected, driven by inflation as much as volume. This report will provide you key insights and forecasts for the regional advertising industry in 2023 and beyond, including:

  • Advertising Trends and Figures driving 2023 growth in the APAC region
  • Statistics and Figures split by Advertising Channel
  • Key Industries driving market growth
  • Priorities for Marketing Agencies and Brands
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