About Us
Zegal is the end-to-end platform for the legals smaller companies need, founded in 2014 by lawyer friends Daniel Walker and Jake Fisch. Today Zegal is the world’s only end-to-end platform for smaller companies to create, negotiate, and sign both the simple, and complex contracts they need to run their business, with expert legal advice, 100% online every step of the way. Zegal has helped more than 20,000 companies close commercial contracts, run leaner HR teams, and enter new markets. You can use Zegal for your company in the UK, Australia and across Asia. Make your legals simple.
Reward Details
Save 20% on Zegal standard plans when you pay with your Visa Commercial card.
Eligibility Requirements
Promotion strictly reserved to Aspire users & new customers of Zegal. Zegal is solely responsible for this offer. This offer is reserved for Visa clients and applies to new first time subscriptions only.